Current, paid-up members of the Winelands chapter of Mensa South Africa are invited to the chapter’s fourth ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Thursday 4 July 2019 at 18h30, in Somerset West.
The meeting will be held at the same venue used for our monthly speaker evenings.
Homemade beef lasagne, with a traditional Greek salad and crusty bread, will be served (vegetarian option on request).
Members will receive a welcoming sherry on arrival, and there will be a cash bar available.
There is no charge to members for attending; guests pay R100pp.
At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to find out and raise questions about the chapter’s operations and finances.
Our constitution provides for a two-year tenure for the chapter’s committee and, since the current committee was elected in June 2018, this is a non-election year, although volunteers are encouraged to join the committee.
Members will be asked to:
– accept the annual report (1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019)
– accept the membership report
– accept the financial statements to date.
For catering and access code purposes, please RSVP to the Winelands Secretary.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, kindly complete and return a proxy form (obtainable from the Winelands secretary).