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Winelands: Private tour of SANCCOB (II)

2019-05-04 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Yvonne Steyn
Winelands: Private tour of SANCCOB (II)

Join Mensa Winelands for a private guided tour of the SANCCOB facility in Table View, which will take us behind-the-scenes and provide insight into the work of SANCCOB and the lives of coastal birds.

SANCCOB is an internationally-recognised leader in oiled wildlife response, rehabilitation and chick-rearing, contributing to research which benefits seabirds, trains people to care for the birds and educates the public to develop behavioural patterns which benefit marine life and the environment. In a year in which no oil spills occur, SANCCOB treats up to 2 500 seabirds, of which approximately 1 500 are African penguins.

Because of the restricted numbers permitted on such a tour, we have set up two separate excursions, on Sunday 28 April and on Saturday 4 May, both at 14h00.

Winelands is subsidising the cost of this excursion in full for their members; guests are required to pay R60pp.

Book with the Winelands secretary.

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