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Winelands: Seventh Annual General Meeting and Chapter Dinner/Show

2022-07-13 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Yvonne Steyn
Winelands: Seventh Annual General Meeting and Chapter Dinner/Show

Current, paid-up members of the Winelands chapter of Mensa South Africa are invited to the chapter’s seventh ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Wednesday 13 July 2022 at 18h30, in Somerset West.

The meeting will be held at the same venue used for our monthly speaker evenings.

The AGM will be followed by South African comedian Nik Rabinowitz’s latest show, and dinner at the chapter’s expense.

Members will receive a welcoming sherry on arrival, and there will be a cash bar available.

There is no charge to members for attending.

At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to find out and raise questions about the chapter’s operations and finances.

Our constitution provides for a two-year tenure for the chapter’s committee and, since the current committee was elected in 2018, a new committee will be elected this year.

The current committee, comprising:

Gerald Steyn – chairman
Christian von Wechmar – treasurer
Erik Eloff – membership and testing officer
Yvonne Steyn – secretary

will step down – all have indicated that they are available for re-election.

Members will be asked to:
– accept the annual report (1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022)
– accept the membership report
– accept the financial statements to date.

If you would like to nominate a member to serve on the committee, or to put your own name forward for election, please email the Winelands Secretary.

For catering and access code purposes, please RSVP to the Winelands Secretary.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, kindly complete and return a proxy form (obtainable from the Winelands secretary).

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