Our guest speaker on Thursday 24 January is Dr Nic Spaull, a senior researcher in Economics at SU, and a research fellow at Research on Socio-Economic Policy (ReSEP).
Dr Spaull was scheduled to speak to Mensa Winelands in November last year and unfortunately had to cancel at short notice – we are delighted that he has provided us with another opportunity to hear his presentation:
Education in crisis
Dr Spaull will present an overview of the South African education system, highlighting the inequalities that exist in the system, and providing insight into recent international assessments such as the Progress in International Reading and Literacy (PIRLS) study, which showed that 78% of Grade 4 learners could not read for meaning in any language.
He will also discuss the research which aims to identify what we should be prioritising amongst the many competing calls for attention.
Note that the venue has strict access control and that you are required to RSVP to gain entry.
Further information and venue details from the Winelands secretary, Yvonne Steyn.