Barry Hilton – My Life in 3D
Depression, Dyslexia, DDHA
Mensa Winelands invites you to join us for this month’s Speaker Evening. Continuing with our series Real People – Real Lives, internationally renowned comedian Barry Hilton joins us as he talks to us about his Life in 3D: Dyslexia, Depression and DDHA.
South Africa’s favorite cousin has spent the last 40 years entertaining people, while quietly struggling with depression, dyslexia and ADHD. He now opens up and talks about how he has managed to build a successful career despite these challenges.
Date: Thursday 19 September 2024
Time: 19:00 for 19:30 PROMPTLY until 21:00
Location: Somerset West📍
Please RSVP by 12 September 2024 as personal access codes (PAC) are to be issued for acccess to the venue.
Kindly note that only one guest per member is permitted due to venue capacity.
Cash bar available. Kindly purchase your drinks before the speaker commences. There will be no intermission.
It is Pizza night! Why not have dinner at the clubhouse? Get a large pizza with 3 toppings for only R105.