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Winelands: Virtual speaker evening – Prof Johan Burger

2020-10-29 @ 7:15 pm – 9:45 pm
Yvonne Steyn
Winelands: Virtual speaker evening - Prof Johan Burger

Mensa Winelands’ monthly speaker evening.

‘We can, but should we? The ethics of GM foods’

Food is not only one of the most fundamental necessities of life, it is probably also the most controversial.

While science prescribes how we accurately and safely create GM food, ethics questions our motives for doing so, and pushes us beyond the comfort of scientific fact by forcing us to consider the manner in which what we do is perceived by the general population.

Our guest speaker is Professor Johan Burger who has, since 1991, been managing research as Principal Investigator at the Agricultural Research Council, the CSIR and Stellenbosch University.

He also serves on the management committees of a number of local and international professional associations, the board of CPGR, and for more than ten years as a member of the Advisory Committee of the GMO Act of South Africa.

Professor Burger will address these concerns in an ethical context, and contrast them against the morality of neglect in a world in which food security is becoming an ever-increasing problem.

The meeting will be held via a Zoom webinar, and all members are welcome to participate.  To register, and receive a link for the webinar, write to the Winelands secretary, Yvonne Steyn.

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